Probate | Trust Litigation | Will |
Types of Petitions for Starting a California Probate Administration
Opening up a probate administration can occur in a variety of ways. View here for an overview by a Riverside estate attorney.
How to Get Your Trustee to Distribute Your Inheritance
When a trustee won’t distribute your inheritance to you, you may decide to file a petition with the probate court to compel a distribution.
What Are The Duties of a California Trustee?
The duties of a trustee are many, and the expectations of beneficiaries are high. Order our free book on California probate and trust administration.
Transfer of Real Estate in California after Death
In this article, California probate lawyer Scott Grossman explains how title to real property is transferred to heirs or beneficiaries, in or out of probate.
Probate | Trust | Trust Litigation |
Selling Real Estate During Estate Administration: Six Facts
Selling real estate is an important aspect of probate administration. View here for six facts about selling real estate from a Riverside estate attorney.