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By: Scott Grossman on June 18th, 2018

What if I cant afford to hire a probate or trust attorney?

Are you wondering how you are going to pay for legal representation when you cant afford to hire a probate or trust attorney? Some cases are a good fit for a contingency fee agreement. A contingency fee agreement allows you to hire an attorney without paying anything out of pocket.  The attorney agrees to represent you in exchange for a percentage of whatever money or property is ultimately distributed to you from the trust or probate estate.

Not all attorneys take cases on a contingency fee and not all cases are a good fit for a contingency fee.  However, if you can’t afford to pay for probate litigation because you can’t afford to pay your attorney on an hourly basis, your case lends itself to a contingency fee, and you can find a probate and trust litigation attorney who will take your case on a contingency fee then you may be far better off than if you had to simply abandon your case.

Contingency (noun):

Payment for legal services depends on the attorney being able to recover or win an award in the case. The payment is then a percentage of the amount recovered. This amount can vary based on if the case goes to trial or if it is settled.

Estate (noun):

An estate includes the things that a person owns. The things left by someone who has died can be distributed based on a Will, Trust, or Intestate laws. Estates have to be administered in the Probate Court if the estate meets certain criteria. See our Infographic on The Probate Process.

If you are ready to start your case, then please give us a call or fill out our Get Help Now form.  If you want a comprehensive overview of California Probate, then click here. Should you have additional questions about trust litigation, then you will find plenty of useful information in our Learning Center.